In 2019, as part of the Generation of Freedom project by Ivan Kanivets, the restoration of the 1917 documentary "The Ukrainian Movement" was successfully completed. This film is a unique piece of footage that shows the leadership of the Central Rada before the Russian invasion. The film features Mykhailo Hrushevsky, Volodymyr Vynnychenko, Mykola Porsh, and a number of figures who made it possible to create and defend Ukrainian statehood during the revolution. Unfortunately, the original film is kept in Russia, while in Ukraine there is only a copy made from heavily damaged film. Therefore, improving the image required considerable time and resources.
In recent years, image processing technologies using artificial intelligence have become widespread. In 2023 and early 2024, the film The Ukrainian Movement was restored again, this time using artificial intelligence.
During the restoration, we managed to discover many interesting details in this newsreel that had not been paid attention to before.
On April 18, at the X International Historical Film Festival "Beyond Time" in the Kyiv Fortress, at 14:30, the restored film will be presented.