Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

We are pleased to share the good news! A collection of short stories about the period of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 has been published in electronic form. It includes five stories: "Defenders", "Volya" in Trebizond", "Significant deed", "Volunteers", and "The Red Star".

The time period of the stories goes a bit beyond 1917-1921: for example, The "Volunteers" is set in 1877, while "Significant deed" takes place in the 1920s. However, all of the stories are united by the theme of Ukrainians' irresistible desire for freedom. Consciously, and sometimes unconsciously, the characters make their choices in life in an effort to protect their loved ones, and thus bring the liberation of Ukraine closer. Ordinary people who find themselves in difficult circumstances suddenly become the drivers of historical progress.

The stories in the collection are written in different styles: epic, comic, even mystical... Some of them are quite accurate accounts of historical events, some are based on fantasy over facts, but the historical details are carefully sourced from documents and memories of the time.

Some of them have been previously published in Ukrainian, including The Defenders (2018) and Volunteers (2019), which won the ProMinule historical short story contest. "Volya in Trebizond" was among the winners at Matelot, a Ukrainian maritime prose competition named after Captain Yuri Lisyansky. They can be found in the competition collections ("Memento momentum of freedom. Ukrainian Liberation Struggle of 1917-1921", "Gone with the Wind of Statelessness", "Maritime Collection (2021-2022)").

The highlight of the publication is the illustrations created with the help of artificial intelligence. In total, 52 unique illustrations in different styles, in accordance with the spirit of each story, complement the text and visualize the author's idea.

"Ukrainian Stories of Life and Fight: Volume I" is Ivan Kanivets's first book in English, which aims to tell the world audience about how Ukrainians fought for freedom a hundred years ago.

Invaluable assistance in preparing the book for publication was provided by Joshua Szurszewski, to whom we express our deepest gratitude. Stanislav Smoliakov helped with the illustrations.

The book is currently available on Amazon's global marketplace and its local markets.

By the way, on Amazon you can also buy the novel "Tsingtao-Wien-Kyiv" in Ukrainian.

We are preparing to publish the second volume, which will also include 5 stories by Ivan Kanivets.

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